Major Areas of Intervention

Vanitha Sabha
Vanita Sabha is the basic unit around which the programme focuses. Process-oriented, it reaches out to the marginalised communities and assists in realization of their issues as women and deprived, enables political and women centered intervention and working towards solution collectively.

Sevini has the pivotal role of activating the programme and realizing the objectives. The assistance and resource support is extended from district and state level offices.

Formation of Issue Groups
The major areas of focus are violence intervention, health issues, legal literacy, decentralisation and integrating gender in it, education, economic empowerment programmes and vocational training. Resource centre at panchayat level, district and state level is the meeting space for women to interact, learn, share pain and happiness.

Adolescent Groups
Strengthening adolescent groups with information and life-skills is a major area of focus.

Adult Learning Centres (ALC)
Adult Learning Centres (ALC) extend learning to women from a women centred perspective.

Mahila Shikshan Kendra (MSK)
Mahila Shikshan Kendras in 4 blocks at provide residential and educational facility for girl children and adolescents who have been pushed out of the educational system and are in abusive situations at home.